Luis Othoniel Rosa ha escrito un canto amargo al futuro que se esfuma; un grito desesperado pero sincero al paisaje arrasado que se resiste a morir en los lugares donde nos significa; ha escrito, también, una loa a la amistad llena de ternura. La tristeza de este libro conmueve.
-Azahara Palomeque, (España), autora de En la ceniza blanca de las encías
In Sadness, the Fury, Luis Othoniel Rosa ‘stays with the trouble’, in the words of Donna Haraway, making us present to both human and planetary precarity. Through black humor and a sensitive, mutable lyric voice, he plays with time, slowing and stretching it to reveal present and future moments in the sometimes joyful, sometimes heartbreaking business of coexisting on our planet with other beings both living and unliving.
- Emily A. Maguire, Northwestern University, author of Tropical Time Machines: Science Fiction in the Contemporary Hispanic Caribbean
Páginas 80 | 2025.