A critical edition of the mayor works of Robert browning
This comprehensive selection of Browning's poetry and prose includes the complete text of many of Browning's longer poems ( Pauline, Pippa Passes, 'Bishop Blougram's Apology' ) as well as three whole books from his epic masterpiece, The Ring and the Book . Over 80 shorter poems are also included, amongst them Browning's most famous and best-loved dramatic monologues. In addition to Browning's only significant piece of critical writing (the `Essay on Shelley'), this edition selects generously from the courtship correspondence between Browning and Elizabeth Barrett, as well as from Browning's more general correspondence - letters which cast a unique light upon the poems themselves, and poetry in general. The text has been edited from Browning's last collected edition and annotated thoroughly in an accessible and scholarly fashion. Daniel Karlin's lively introduction offers invaluable insights into reading Browning today. This book is intended for readers and students of English literature, 19th-century English verse and post-Romantic literature - sixth form and above.
Páginas 824 | 1997. Libro usado.